Saturday, November 18, 2006

Yes, I am still knitting

In a similar manner to Jean I have been working on a simple scarf. Frankly, all the renovation and website-redesign is frazzling me to the extent that counting to 6 is becoming a challenge.

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It's in a lovely microfibre - Schachenmayr nomotta MicroColor - and a colour which reminds me of early autumn. I've had it for years, and it's nice to finally find a use for it. The pattern, if you can call it that, is as follows:

Two balls of DK yarn at ~145m per ball

Using 4mm needles, cast on 72 stitches

Work in 'feather and fan' pattern:

1. knit 1 row
2. purl 1 row
3. 3 x (k2tog); * 6 x (yo, k1); 6 x (k2tog); rep from * to last 6 stitches; 3 x (k2tog)
4. knit 1 row

After working 4 repeats, change to 5 mm needles and continue in pattern.

Using the start of the second ball as reference, work until you have enough for 5 repeats.

Change back to 4mm needles and work 4 repeats

Knit 1 row

Cast off in Knit on the wrong side.

NOTE: I've not test knit this, so let me know if I've messed up too badly, please.


Blogger Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Just popped over to say THANK YOU so much for the tip on circular needle storage. Cut out a length of card, made holes, slotted them all in, and there you are, tidy at last! You're a poppet. Will tell everyone so when I get a second to post.
Celtic Memory Yarns

18/11/06 20:15  

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