Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Political digression

I knew that Scottish Borders Council had a reputation for spending money on strange things. The news today that three quarters of primary schools don't have smoke detectors just makes me sick.

The councillors can't even guarantee that all the schools will get detectors, as they don't have the budget!


Blogger Treesa said...

Children in jeopardy, but not enough budget!!!????? go figure!!!!sounds like local flim-flam politics to me. we get the same here in California.

2/11/06 02:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hoping that they're smoke detectors in our schools, but don't really know for sure (I should, what with grandchildren in school).
I do know there are no seat belts in the school busses..horror.

I believe Samhain is pronounced Sow-an with emphasis on Sow (now whether it rhymes with 'cow' or sounds like 'sew' I really don't know) ;)

I should've started this off with greetings from across the big pond, ah well.
I did like the black dress on you, most especially with the white blouse, very pretty.

8/11/06 14:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack, so sorry...
I'm hoping there are smoke detectors .......

8/11/06 14:18  

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