Thursday, December 07, 2006

More socks

I've found my sewing-up-needles, so the socks are done.

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Socka for the most part (a gift years ago), with the toes in St Ives 4-ply. I've misplaced the ball band, but vaguely remember around 50% cotton, 15% nylon and the rest wool for the Socka

I used my now-favourite pattern, but the Socka sock is much less snug than the Regia pairs. If I were to use it again, I'd work the sock on several stitches fewer, and work a shorter foot. I do love the colours, but probably won't use that yarn for socks again. It feels 'thin', and certainly less warm, which would make sense if you consider the cotton content.

I knew I would run out despite having relatively small feet, as last year I knitted a hat from the same 100g ball. I'd decided I needed a hat which was small enough to scrunch into the pocket that wasn't holding my gloves, and this did the trick. I'm really pleased with the pattern: maybe someday I'll even write it up.

Off to Selkirk today for a Food Hygiene course and exam. I came back after 7 hours feeling like I'd been hit in the back of the head with a board. I won't know if I've passed for several weeks, so I'm doing my best to forget it.

Still no word from the council's "Event Fieldworker" who is supposed to be assisting. If I don't hear by Monday, I think I'll just have to run with the plan on my own.


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