Done done done
OK, so I'm a bit late in posting this picture, but trust me, these were finished about 5 minutes after the closing ceremonies started at 19.00 GMT. I've been working on a redesign of the hotel website, and it's taking time.
They are now washed, dry, and waiting to be wrapped and posted off to Mom in sunny South Africa. They will be utterly useless for the next few months, but will come into their own in time for her birthday in June.
Thank you Franklin for designing the medal.
Thank you Team Scotland for your support!
They are now washed, dry, and waiting to be wrapped and posted off to Mom in sunny South Africa. They will be utterly useless for the next few months, but will come into their own in time for her birthday in June.
Thank you Franklin for designing the medal.
Thank you Team Scotland for your support!
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