Sunday, March 12, 2006

I hate it

when I'm proved right. At least with regard to the weather.

It's not bad here in Jed: a little light sleet and not even cold enough to need gloves. Bonchester, Penicuik, Peebles, the Carter Bar & Soutra are all bad, and our workmen guests have very sensibly come back to the hotel and gone back to bed.

No pictures, I'm afraid, due to the unwell digital camera.

Thanks to Jean, I now have two designs available at The Knitting Vault. Much to my delight and amazement, when I checked yesterday I had sold a whole two copies of Chantelle. Nudibranch should be up within the next few days.

Excuse me while I do an Andy Murray.

Other crafty stuff
I need to dig out the sewing machine. I cannot find blouses which a)fit and b)suit me. One or the other seems to be achievable.

Does anyone have any well-loved sources for fabric etc. that they'd care to share? Mail order is preferable - internet, post or phone will do - or alternatively something in the circle defined by Edinburgh, Berwick, Newcastle & Carlisle. All are under 90 minutes drive away, and so could conceivably be reached on one of my rare days off.

We attempted to fit a new light yesterday. Bought from B&Q, it doesn't come with a bulb. Said bulb is a very odd type of energy-saving fluorescent - which B&Q don't stock. A joint sense-of-humour-failure ensued when we discovered that the only way to source said fluorescents was mail-order, and involved spending more on postage than the bulb was going to cost.

Strangely (or perhaps not) B&Q don't seem to see any problem with stocking fittings but not the required light bulbs....

I need to update the Fire Risk Assessment for the hotel. Yuck. An extended silence will mean I am either very busy working on it, or that the frustration has all become too much.


Blogger Franklin said...

How you feel about blouses is how I feel about shirts. I started knitting in self defense (they don't make sweaters for men my size) and a sewing machine will probably crop up in my future...I sympathize whole-heartedly.

Congrats on getting the patterns out there! Nudibranch is VERY fun.

13/3/06 22:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*thank you* for publishing the Nudibranch pattern!! I've been reading about it on Jean Miles' blog and on her recommendation have been keen to try it! Just bought the pattern & am going home now to find some suitable yarn. The cape/poncho looked good too - hope you can find time to publish some more throughout the year!

14/3/06 07:15  

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