Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tagged. Twice

Obviously I've been a little distracted recently, as I've been tagged not once but twice.

The rules of this peculiar internet game of what I used to call 'catch' are as follows:
The rules:
  1. someone tags you,
  2. you post five things about yourself that you haven’t already mentioned on your blog,
  3. you tag 5 people you’d like to know more about

I think I'm going to have trouble with '3', but here goes anyway.

Bearing in mind that this is a public forum, and linked to my business, there are definitely a few interesting things that I won't be sharing with you. Sorry.

  1. My high school didn't have a music teacher, so I shared the duty of providing the music for assembly, prizegivings etc. with three other pianists.
  2. I was a barrelina and danced until I left school at 17.
  3. I am a very keen edible gardener. That's the produce that's edible, not me! I can't get nearly as enthusiastic about flowers, but show me a row of peas, or tatties, and I'm keen.
  4. My first major sewing project was my sixth form (final year of school) ball dress. Red satin. It was easier then - I didn't know anything about fitting, but it fitted anyway.
  5. DH and I met at a Sibelius concert at Glasgow City Halls. Not your typical pick-up joint.

And people I'd like to hear from are:
  1. Jo
  2. Jean
  3. Dee (once she's recovered from the house move!)
  4. Ash (or herself if she's up for it)
  5. The Spinning Fishwife (once those windows are done)

Over to you!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fibre-Crafts Retreat: 18 - 21 May 2007

Yes, you read that correctly. We are going ahead with the Retreat one week later than originally advertised.

To recap, Janis Embleton of Flight Weaving and Lorna Noble of LornaJay Designs will be hosting the first Scottish Borders Fibre-Crafts Retreat at the Spread Eagle Hotel in Jedburgh from 18 – 21 May 2007.

The residential retreat will include:
  • a full day workshop in either backstrap weaving or patchwork knitting
  • a Borders Banquet and introduction to the textile history of the area
  • a trip to the excellent Woolly Ewe wool shop in Kelso
  • and plenty of socialising.

The Spread Eagle Hotel, on the High Street in Jedburgh, dates from around 1450 and has been licensed since 1604, making it Scotland's oldest continually-licensed hotel.

For information, or to book, please contact Lorna:
Tel: 01835 862 870

A brochure can be downloaded from:

NB. Non-residential and two-day places are available: please ask for details.

Sneak Preview:
Here's what I've been working on, and some of Janis' weaving....

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Very pleased with this one!

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Not quite so happy with the way I got the colours balanced here. Ah well, live and learn.

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From Janis of Flight Weaving who will be leading the other workshop.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Thank you!

for all your good wishes over the Christmas and New Year period. It's really lovely to hear from you all!

On Thursday I scuttled off to Glasgow to do some shopping. Ostensibly it was a trip to buy fabric for the corridor window curtains at the Cotton Print Warehouse in Govan, but I snuck in a meetup with the folks from Pattern Review and some shopping for me.

We met up at Miss Cranston's Tearooms on Gordon Street, and had a lovely few hours of chat and scoffing/guzzling.

Then AJ and I went off to Remnant Kings and I did some more shopping!

My real scoop, however, was at the Cotton Print Warehouse, where I found this lovely stuff for £15.99/m with 20% off. 2.5m is mine!

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I will, eventually, make a jacket, I think.

Is ongoing, but I'm working on the teaching stuff for the Fibre-Crafts Retreat in May, so you're not going to see it until the advertising is finished. This week, I hope....

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

The tradition in Scotland is to start the year as you would wish it to continue:
we were in the pub with a lovely group of people, drinks in hand, and money in the till.

That'll do!

I hope you have a happy, healthy and wealthy 2007.